
  • Local Government Act (Act 171)
    • This act was enacted in 1976 to ensure the same policy and regulations for all local authorities (LA) in Malaysia. Among the items provisioned in the act are those related to area administration and LA operations as well as the authorities of the LA.


  • Street, Drainage and Building Act (Act 133)
    • This act gives the authority to the LA to regulate the development and authorise the LA to maintain the public streets and drainage.


  • Town and Country Planning Act (Act 172)
    • This act aims to establish a proper control for town and country planning in Peninsular Malaysia and the LA acts as the local planning authority for respective areas in enforcing the Act.


  • Road Transport Act (Act 333)
    • Authority is given by this Act to the LA as the relevant authority in this Act to designate a car park and enforcing the provision regarding traffic obstruction.


  • Food Act (Act 281)
    • This act is formulated to protect the public from harmful food as well as the authority given to the LA health inspector as the authorised officer to enforce the Act.

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