1. A passport -sized color photograph
  2. Copy of fire extinguisher inspection fee receipt (fire)
  3. Copy of valid food handler basic course certificate (food & beverage business only)
  4. Health injection certificate (ty2) for licensees & assistants (food & beverage business only)
  5. Copy of assessment tax bill that has been paid in the second half of 2020.
  6. Original license 2020/ billboard license 2020
  7. Copy of business registration (SSM)

Terms of application

  1. Business companies or sole proprietorships must be registered with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (SSM)
  2. The application must be made using the premises license application form by submitting the documents together

Pre-requisites are as follows:

  1. (1) Copy of Company / Business / Organization Registration (Form 9 & 49 or Form D with business & owner information)
  2. (1) Copy of the applicant's identity card / passport
  3. (1) Visuals of colored signage advertisements and pictures of the advertising location (If applicable)

Conditions of Approval

  1. Premises used must comply with and meet the basic requirements of the Development Planning Department and Development Control Division and have the approval of a planner or development order(Development Order-DO)
  2. Premises used must comply with and meet the basic conditions and requirements of the Development Control Division and have building plan approval and certificate of fitness to occupy the building (CF / TCF)
  3. Premises used must comply with and meet the basic requirements and requirements of the Department of Health
  4. Premises used must comply with and meet the conditions and safety requirements of the Fire Department of Malaysia, namely Establishing Fire Safety Control System Buildings on the first floor and above with a single staircase are not allowed to conduct business premises for use for certain business activities such as premises for entertainment must be supported Police Department

License Conditions

  1. The licensed business premises shall be used for business activities as stated in the license
  2. Business licenses must always be displayed in a place / on the wall that is easy to see
  3. Business activities must be conducted in the premises only and it is strictly prohibited to use sidewalks or surrounding areas.
  4. The licensed premise building cannot be modified without permission. Please contact the Building Planning and Control Department for that purpose
  5. Cleanliness must always be maintained whether inside /outside the building
  6. Take certain measures to ensure that the business activities carried out do not cause environmental pollution, noise disturbance, bad smell and obstruction.
  7. Adequate rubbish bins are provided and rubbish should be put in plastic bags before being thrown into the bins
  8. Keeping animals in the premises such as dogs, cats, chickens, etc. is prohibited